From Ron's Archives and More Reno 68 slides (51 photos)
This page added 8/16/2003 . All photos this page by Ron Olsen (Copyright)
Home Previous Reno 68 slides Next Reno 68 slides To Reno 68 Negs
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This Reno feature is divided into two groups, slides and negs. The slides are presented in the order taken. The negs are in randon order within date taken. There are 4 P-51s, including a P-51H, and a A-26 that are in the negs group only. To Reno 68 Negs

The slides were taken with an Exakta VX 35mm (no telephoto) and the negs were taken with a Kodak Vigilent 620. I still have both of these cameras.

The captions have a secondary purpose in that I hope people will be able to find an a/c via google using the N# or military # etc.

I hope you enjoy this feature and will drop me a note with your comments via the webmaster on the home page.